World Amazing

Monday, November 16, 2009

True Love - 5 Signs He Loves You

What are the signs that he loves you? Are you one of the many women who love their man, but have no idea if he returns that love? Do you long for your relationship to move forward, but aren't even sure where it stands? You aren't alone. Many of us need a good guidepost to tell us where we are headed and what is going on. Knowing whether or not he loves you is a huge help in figuring out where to go from here.
Sign One- Does he do or or say things that show you he loves you? Love is hard to hide, at least completely, even when we are trying to keep it a secret. Does your man show you or tell you he loves you? Things that count include (but aren't limited to):
- He says it. This is one that most women long for, don't make it a requirement, but if he says it, it is probably true.
- He tries to be romantic.
- He makes you feel special.
- He gives you compliments.
Sign Two- Is it about him, you, or both of you? It doesn't matter how much time you spend together, that isn't love. On the other hand if it is all about him then he doesn't love you. On the other hand, it isn't good for it to be all about you either. The best of relationships is based on give and take. However, if he shows interest in you, your needs, and your life then he may very well love you.
Sign Three- Is he supportive? If he loves you then he will be supportive. He will be supportive of your dreams, goals, and when life is stressful. There are a multitude of things that we need support for and if he supports you well then it is likely that he loves you.
Sign Four- Does he take care of you? This can come in many ways. It can mean that he holds you while you cry because sometimes life is hard. It could mean that he takes care of you while you are sick. It could just mean that he strives to meet your emotional needs. Whatever it is, does he take care of you?
Sign Five- Will he commit to you? Commitment is hard for a lot of guys and we aren't asking for marriage here. We just want to know if he will be exclusive with you. This is especially true after you have been dating awhile or after you have begun a physical relationship. If he won't be exclusive to you then it is time to move on.
Love is based on a lot of things. Look for the signs that he loves you. He doesn't have to pass all of them every waking moment, but if he is doing these things then it is likely he loves you. Watch him for awhile and see that he loves you. If he doesn't, consider moving on and finding someone who will. Remember that you are worth it!



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